Well Don Show
A show to help you talk more positively to yourself so you can say to yourself... Well Don
Well Don Show
Tears of Toughness
Tears of Toughness.
For those who didn't already know, I used to be a Firefighter.
I let you know this piece of information because I want to tell you that you're never too tough to cry.
Allowing yourself to, is actually, a level of toughness that you should be proud of.
Lately, I've been crying tears of joy and happiness more often and let me tell ya, it's the shit haha! It feels fucking awesome.
I want this for you too.
I'd like to invite you to sit with yourself more and be curious about the emotions and feelings that want more attention from you.
My newest podcast episode is about my current experience with it and I'm hoping it would be a nice invitation for you.
Have a listen please and lmk what you think.