Well Don Show
A show to help you talk more positively to yourself so you can say to yourself... Well Don
Well Don Show
Endure to Endear
There are these particular pine cones called serotinous cones. The seeds sitting inside these cones have already matured, but the cones have developed this strong resin that glues the seeds inside shut. The only way for these cones to open up and to release the seeds is to be disturbed. The most common way is when it is heated up with fire, melting the resin. So quite literally, a naturally occurring forest fire is whats necessary for these trees to survive and thrive. For them to reach their full potential.
The exterior adversity is necessary for them to grow.
Maybe this is a stretch of the definition of endearment... but words and meanings of words can shift with the times. So it sounded fitting for me. If it's fitting for you also, then I hope you get something for yourself out of this.